By Laws | Show Rules | Policies
1. All EWSRA Members have the responsibility to read and become familiar with EWSRA Policies and Show Rules. It is also the Members responsibility to see that his or her assistants, principals and guests are familiar with EWSRA Show Rules/Policies and observe the same.
2. Ethical and dignified conduct is expected of all Members. Members are responsible for the conduct of their assistants, principals, and guests. Penalties for policy/rules violations will be charged to the Member(s) with whom said individual(s) is registered.
3. A $50 Late Fee will be assessed to any Member whose renewal application and fees arrive after the September 15th deadline. In addition, any bounced/returned check will be assessed a $50 late fee plus appropriate bank fees.
4. Cancellation Policy: Full refund on contracted booth space canceled a minimum of 30 days out. Cancellations and refund requests must be made “in writing” by email to Linda@ewsra.org. Show Fees are non-refundable unless notification is made prior to October 1, 2024.
5. A “Certified Check” or money order must accompany all New Member applications and renewal applications received after the September 15th deadline. In addition, the EWSRA office has the right to request a certified check or money order from any Member with a history of bounced/returned checks.
The Board of Directors will set the deadline for New Member Applications each year. It is understood that although Membership may be approved there is no guarantee of space during any given EWSRA sponsored show/event. In the event Membership is approved and space is not available, EWSRA will refund space fee(s).
Pending space availability, the Board of Directors may review New Member applications arriving after the established deadline. However new membership applications will NOT be reviewed by the board of directors less than 30 days prior to the first show in which the new member has requested to participate.
6. Only regular and cross-over members who attend at least one buying show (on-snow demo excluded) will be considered active members of the association; eligible to contract show space and receive a full listing in the EWSRA Buyer’s Guide.
7. An Associate Member loses one-year seniority for each year he/she has not paid Membership dues. If the individual has not paid Associate dues within three years, he/she must re-enter EWSRA as a New Member.
8. Members with unresolved Rules Violations are not Members in good standing and therefore, are not eligible for any Membership privileges inclusive of show participation, until matter is completely resolved.
9. Directors will be reimbursed in accordance with federal guidelines (currently at .67 cents per mile) plus tolls, meals, and appropriate lodging expenses for attending meetings.
10. Newly elected board Members may vote beginning with the Spring-Summer Board of Directors’ meeting. Outgoing Directors who have served at least one full-term are invited to attend the Spring-Summer Board meeting for the sake of continuity but may cast no vote.
11. Annual Membership in this association, inclusive of introductory rep offer, is required to participate in any EWSRA sponsored event.
12. A “non-resident” rep attending a show for one or more days MUST pay the full show fee for that show. A ‘nonresident” rep is defined as a member in good standing of any of the organization, attending an EWSRA show for which he/she is not scheduled, nor will he/she be listed in Buyer’s Guide.
13. EWSRA offers “crossover” membership to any person who … a) is a member in good standing of another snow, outdoor or action sports rep association; b) who in the regular course of his or her business occasionally conducts such business within the states comprising the territory of this association; and c) who gains his or her livelihood primarily as a sales representative for firms substantially engaged in the manufacturer of goods, merchandise and equipment commonly associated with the snow, outdoor and action sports industry. All crossover members must submit a new membership application when applying for membership into EWSRA. The board of directors, in its sole discretion, will approve or disapprove all new member applications including crossover members.
14. Meeting rooms at all EWSRA shows are guaranteed by EWSRA. Once a contract has been signed all applicable fees due to cancellation by member rep will be the responsibility of said rep. “No Shows” during these events are also the direct responsibility of said member and will be billed directly to the member.
15. Booth Space contracted within 30 days of show will be assessed a $50 fee per booth.
Violators of By-Laws, Show Rules and/or Policies are subject to the following:
1st Offense | $500 fine for each infraction |
2nd Offense | $1000 fine for each infraction |
3rd Offense | Potential expulsion from the association after review by the Board of Directors |
07/2024: This copy supersedes all previous copies of EWSRA Show Rules and/or Policies.